As the majority of retailers cut back on the more expensive shopfitting items, like full-size mannequins, the bust form has been a pretty popular item at Universal Display in London's Mortimer Street. "It is very cost effective and dresses beautifully.
It is a mannequin of a type which is traditional and won't date that quickly. It can be shuffled around -in !the window or in-store. It will also last forever if treated correctly," said Jonathan Berlin, senior sales executive and the man who runs the London showroom and office.
"From day one when my father, David, started the business.40 years ago the bust has always done well. We keep a high standard of quality at a reasonable price."
Today the company's standard bust form is made in papier mache and covered with jersey and is priced at £80. A superior tailored bust in calico which is completely stitched, costs £158. Top: Abstract heads are extra.
At the moment, according to Jonathan retailers are using the traditional wooden tops and going for black jersey covered forms. "They want to create a slightly different look but want the traditional bust for the shape."
Universal Display has its own factory for manufacturing bust forms in Edmonton and a metal factory in Birmingham, plus the use of factories in the Far East. It also has a branch in Cannes in the South of France which it opened two years ago.
"The French display industry is terrible. In Paris they might have wonderful displays -but most of it is not bought in France and is custom-made. Our business is picking up there."